Ancestral Scotland Ltd. is a Company Limited by
Guarantee (SC244818) first registered in 2003
The Directors are: David John Bruce Durie
David Donald
Alexander James Durie
Ancestral Scotland Ltd. is based in Edinburgh, Scotland
test interpretation
Confused by what your DNA results mean?
Have them interpreted. Unclear on Y-DNA, autosomal DNA and
Guidance is here.
- this can link you to genetic relatives as far back as 1,000
years distant.
autosomal DNA - cousin matches 5 to 6 generations back, plus
"ethnicity estimates" which are unreliable
mitochondrial DNA - maternal line from a male or a female |
Y-DNA - This tracks a man's paternal line (to his father,
grandfather, etc.)
Cannot be taken by females, but find a male close relative (for
example, brother, father, grandfather paternal cousin, paternal
uncle) with the appropriate surname.
Click here for more.
Ancestral Scotland Ltd. recommends and will only interpret
test results from Family Tree DNA -
If you have been tested by another company, it may be possible to
transfer some of these results into the Family Tree DNA database.